Steel & Eisner, LLP is one of the most respected and successful personal injury firms with over 50 years of experience in personal injury litigation from moderate to major and catastrophic injury cases.
You Can Afford Us
We do not charge consultation fees and we will come to you anywhere in California, and our clients pay no legal fees or litigation costs out of pocket. No pressure. Just explanations. Then you can make an informed decision.
Some Of Our Victories
We Have A History Of Results
Over the years, Steel & Eisner, LLP has achieved a large number of six and seven-figure verdicts. More importantly, however, the Defendants’ settlement offers before trial in those cases were a fraction of the verdicts our clients were awarded. That tells you the outcomes resulted from our litigation skill as we showed big insurance companies they can’t get away with poor settlement offers when their client badly injured our client. Our reputation as litigators helps us negotiate better settlements, because when our clients are not offered what they deserve, we are fully prepared to go to trial and win, and the big insurance companies know it. That’s how we get top-dollar settlements. In fact, we win over 95% of our cases. What is most important is helping you get well. Then, getting specialists to focus on your long term benefits.We know and work with the highest rated specialists in California.
We Can Help With Your
Health Care Needs
We have connections statewide. Need medical treatment? No insurance? No problem. We can arrange treatment for you with first-rate healthcare providers who will defer payment until we win your accident claim.

Serious Injury Specialists
One of the most serious injuries is a traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is a brain dysfunction caused by an outside force, usually a violent blow to the head. It is necessary to care for a TBI victim. A traumatic brain injury takes its toll on the whole family involved, both physically and emotionally, but it is almost like losing that person altogether. The victim could be a parent, spouse, and/or primary earner, which may put a strain on family finances. If the victim had a job or career at the time of the accident, a child might need lifelong care. Because we handle many TBI cases, we are uniquely qualified to handle the stresses that they can cause.
Wrongful Death
A person who has lost a partner, parent, or child due to a wrongful death might wonder why an attorney could be of use, as the person who has disappeared out of one’s life cannot be returned. However, those family members effected by the loss have rights. Steel & Eisner, LLP has ample experience protecting those rights and recovering for families who have lost loved ones for reasonable funeral and burial expenses, lost income and benefits of the deceases over the estimated length of their life, loss of financial support for the household, loss of services around the household, including cleaning, landscaping, cooking, caring for children, and other everyday tasks and contributions to the family, and loss of intangible support, including love and affection, encouragement, moral support, guidance, attention, and more.

Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers
Steel & Eisner, LLP cares about you, your family, and your legal problems. We will strive to provide high quality, dynamic, and dependable legal representation to our clients and their doctors. Our leadership and strong reputation will assure just compensation for you. We look forward to helping you receive justice.